University of CalabriaHRS4RUniversity of CalabriaHRS4R
University of CalabriaHRS4R
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Admission to three-year and single-cycle master's degree programmes a.y. 2024/2025

Infografica - Amm Anticipata Fase 1 Bando (con TOLC) AGG marzo 2024

You can be enroll to the university even before having obtained your high school diploma!!!

Choose the program of your interest (see attachment 1) and participate in the early admission phase by taking the TOLC


How and when

To participate in the early admission competition:

1) read the call for admission (bando di ammissione

2) register on the website (only if you are not already registered yet)

3) complete as soon as possible (preferably immediately and in any case no later than 31 May 2024) the application for participation in the admission competition on the website : from "Menu", "Segreteria" and then "Admission notices" indicating the choice of a single degree program.

4) register on the website and take the test (It is not necessary to send/upload the result: we will acquire the score automatically even if you took the TOLC elsewhere)

You can take the TOLC required by the degree course you are interested in by 31 May 2024, on one of the dates made available by the universities participating in Cisia, by booking at least one week in advance, within the deadlines indicated on the website.

Attention! You must complete the admission application on Esse3 Unical even if you take the TOLC at other universities or online (in tolc@casa mode).

You can check the dates available on the following pages :

The University of Calabria has set dates for Tolc:

  • 15, 22, 28 March 2024
  • 5, 12, 19 April 2024
  • 10, 17, 24, 31 May 2024

For assistance:

Sintesi dei passaggi fondamentali

Guida alla registrazione e alla compilazione della domanda su esse3



Italian language L2 course is available on the platform for international students who wish to participate in the call for bachelor degrees and one-tier degree courses at the University of Calabria.

Activities are offered by the University Language Centre and have been organised around common academic needs shared by university students.

All the activities follow an integrated skills approach based on: listening, speaking, reading and writing.