University of Calabria
University of Calabria

General info on the AYW2024 program


The book of abstract is available.

Session: AI and Optimisation
Chair: Martina Doneda 
Martina DonedaOn the use of simulated machine learning for robust staff rostering
Luigi GalloAn AI-Driven Bi-Level Optimization Framework for Real-Time Electricity Pricing
Behzad PirouzApplication of AI techniques in the optimization of energy consumption
Edoardo CesaroniFormulation of an ML-based model for the Assessment of Maximum Sprint Capability in Elite Soccer Players
Stefania FerrisiAssessing the academic performance of Italian students using an explainable machine learning approach
Plenary lesson: Prof. Manlio Gaudioso
Chair: Giusy Macrina
“Optimization for feature selection in machine learning: a bridge between continuous and discrete models”
Session: Scheduling
Chair: Lorenzo Peirano
Alessia GiulianettiYard crane scheduling in a container terminal to minimize energy consumption
Ilaria SalvadoriMinimizing makespan and number of preemptions in resource-constrained project scheduling problems with time-varying resources
Sara CambiaghiAppointment scheduling of CT scans in the presence of emergency arrivals
Tymoteusz PrzeklasaFootball League Scheduling Problem
Cristian BelfioreAn effective matheuristic approach to solve Nurse Rostering Problem
Plenary lesson: Prof. Daniele Vigo
Chair: Annarita De Maio
"Solving large to huge scale vehicle routing problems"
Session: Emerging paradigms in Logistics I
Chair: Veronica Mosca
Adriano MasoneExact and heuristic approaches for the Modal Shift Incentive Problem
Francesco SaccomannoAccelerating the Clarke-Wright Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem using GPUs
Christian TrudenAuction-based Exchanges in Last-Mile Parcel Logistics
Dario PalasgoColumn Generation Algorithms for the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows and Last-in-First-out Loading
Alessia CiaccoModeling a truck-drone routing problem with delivering and monitoring task
Veronica MoscaVRP with non-simultaneity of service and vehicle compatibility
Session: Sustainable Logistics
Chair: Martina Luzzi
Anna Laura PalaOptimization of Logistic Flows: Impact of Logistics Collaboration on Economic and Environmental Sustainability
Cristina OndeiExtended formulations for the Asymmetric Electric TSP
Danilo AmitranoA new formulation for the Traveling Salesman Problem with Drone and Lockers
Martina LuzziMeal delivery with Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: a case study from the University of Calabria
Session: Sponsors
Chair: Veronica Dal Sasso
Vittoria CrottiMultiprotexion "A fair shift assignment optimization framework with a disruption management mechanism"
Veronica Dal SassoSiemens
Plenary lesson: Prof. Claudio Sterle
Chair: Sara Stoia
“Truck-and-drone delivery systems for last-mile logistics: overview, exact approaches and challenges”
Session: Models, methods and applications in OR
Chair: Chiara Maragò
Alessandro DruettoTask and Memory Mapping of Large Size Embedded Applications over NUMA architecture
Flavia EspositoAccelerated SVD-based Initialization for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
Luca NerozziMathematical models and bounds for crop planning
Matteo CosmiThe profitability-sustainability trade-off in complex chemical value chains under product-specific carbon footprint constraints
Giulia RiccardiUsing Discrete Event Simulation for reducing EMS response: a case study
Jaqueline BojerOptimal occupancy of event locations under social distancing
Chiara MaragòMixed-Integer Linear Programming for Water-Energy-Food Nexus Optimization affected by the Land Degradation Phenomenon
Session: Dynamic and Uncertain Optimisation
Chair: Alice Raffaele
Gabor RiccardiA parallel & decomposition algorithm for large-scale Economic Viability assessment models of the Power Grid
Francesco CavaliereAn Exact Approach For The Time Window Assignment Traveling Salesperson Problem With Stochastic Travel Times
Martina GaleazzoAn Integer Programming formulation for smooth dynamic airspace configuration
Alice RaffaeleRobust Policies for a Multi-Period Assignment Problem under Demand Uncertainty
Session: Emerging paradigms in Logistics II
Chair: Serena Fugaro
Dario VezzaliSupplier Selection for Global Service Providers: a Decision Support System
Haoqi XieMachine Learning algorithms for supporting Optimization in Defining Yard Stacking Strategies
Raffaele DragoneHuman-Centered AI for the Industry 5.0
Session: Optimisation on graphs
Chair: Andrea Mancuso
Alberto Boggio TomasazAn exact algorithm for the Connected Safe Set Problem
Federico MichelottoLower and upper bounds for resources allocation in lightpath communication networks
Alberto GuastallaAn exact algorithm for a new variant of the Team Orienteering Problem
Andrea MancusoThe Covering Tour Problem with Edge Upgrade
Session: Railway Optimisation
Chair: Marta Leonina Tessitore
Anna Russo RussoDetecting Deadlocks on a Railway Line
Fabio CiccarelliAlternative strategies for Train Dispatching optimization: a study on the Paths&Cycles algorithm
Katarzyna GdowskaOptimal Location of Refuelling Stations in Railway Networks
Marta Leonina TessitoreHow to Identify the Fragility of Train Timetables

Villa Santa Caterina

There will be three social events during the 8th AIROYoung WORKSHOP 2024:

  • On the February 14th evening all the participants will be invited to the “Calabrian dinner”. This event will be held at Le casette di zio Rocco, in Rende. Delicious typical Calabrian products will be accompanied by a tasting of local wines;
  • On the February 15th afternoon a guided tour will take place to discover the historical beauties of Cosenza. A private bus will drive all the participants from the University of Calabria to Piazza XV Marzo, located in the upper part of Cosenza city. Then, the most important buildings under the historical perspective will be admired, such as the Cathedral of Cosenza and the St. Domenico Church;
  • On the February 15th evening a social dinner will take place in the beautiful setting of Villa Santa Caterina , in Montalto Uffugo. 

Invited Speakers
AYW 2024

Daniele Vigo

Speech title "Solving large to huge scale vehicle routing problems".

Short biography. Daniele Vigo is Professor of Operations Research at the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Information Engineering of the University of Bologna. He is interested in the design of innovative algorithms for the solution of difficult decision and optimization problems arising in several applications fields ranging from Logistics to Energy Production and Smart Cities. He is the author of about 150 scientific papers and co-editor of some highly cited books on vehicle routing.  He was president of the Italian OR Association from 2016 to 19 and is the coordinator of the EURO working group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization

AYW 2024

Claudio Sterle

Speech title “Truck-and-drone delivery systems for last-mile logistics: overview, exact approaches and challenges”.

Short biography. Claudio Sterle received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Naples Federico II in 2009, where he is currently an Associate Professor in Operations Research. His research interests, outlined in over 60 papers, encompass, among others, exact and heuristic methods for solving complex combinatorial and network optimization problems in logistics and transportation, with a focus on emerging technologies for last-mile delivery. He is the principal investigator of the PRIN 2022 project “ecosustAinable effiCient tecH-drIven Last miLE logiStics” and he was the scientific coordinator of the project “Optimization and Problem Solving for Teaching Mathematics”, both funded by MUR. He was responsible for the scientific studies on “Multi-objective approaches for Last Mile Logistics” and “Optimization Approaches for Electrical Power Grid”, both funded by University Federico II of Naples. At present, he serves as a reviewer for multiple journals and holds the position of associate editor for Decision Analytics Journal, Soft Computing, and Advances in Computational Intelligence.

AYW 2024

Manlio Gaudioso

Speech title “Optimization for feature selection in machine learning:  a bridge between continuous and discrete models”.

Short biography. Manlio Gaudioso got his “Laurea” degree in Electrical Engineering from Università di Napoli in 1973. Since 1994, up to 2019, he has been Full Professor of Operations Research at Università della Calabria. He is currently Professor Emeritus at the same University. His research interests include nonsmooth optimization, integer programming, graph optimization, logistic chain optimization, and classification methods in machine learning. He has published more than seventy papers in international journals.  He plays drums in the Italian Jazz Band “Ars Brevis”.

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