Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
UniCal longs 4 Excellence is a project through which the Universiy of Calabria has applied for the HR Excellence in Research Award, the prestigious prize awarded by the European Commission to Universities and Research Centers that ensure a European standard of quality in the working environment.
For this reason Unical, through the HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), supports the principles of the European Charter for researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Rectruitment of Researchers.
The goal of the strategy is to obtain the full qualification associated with the HR Excellence in Research Award logo that the European Commission assigns to those research organizations that ensure excellent working conditions for researchers.
The HR Award enhances the prestige of Universities and the attractiveness for human resources in science and research.
Documenti allegati
Tutti i documenti ufficiali sottomessi alla valutazione della Commissione Europea per l'acquisizione dell'Award
Initial Phase
- UNICAL_OTM-R Checklist
- UNICAL_GAP Analysis-Process
- UNICAL_Action Plan
- UNICAL_GAP Analysis-Overview
- HRS4R_Unical internal report
Implementation Phase
HRS4R Video Pills
Responsabilità professionale e valorizzazione della ricerca
Sviluppo professionale e qualità dell'insegnamento
Parità di genere
Workshop UniCal longs 4 excellence
12 ottobre 2021
Kick-off meeting Action Plan
21 luglio 2022
Eventi e news
- PhD Day Unical
- Corso APRE “Open Science in Horizon Europe” (17 aprile 2024)
- Corso APRE “Aspetti legali e finanziari in Horizon Europe" (27 marzo 2024)
- Giornata Nazionale delle Università (20 marzo 2024)
- Eventi del Centro di Women's Studies (2023 – 2024)
- Presentazione progetto CARPOOLING DI ATENEO (29 novembre 2023)