History and mission
University bodies
Strategic policies
Quality Insurance
University Charter and Regulations
Transparent Administration
Strategic lines
The Strategic Plan of the University of Calabria is the instrument that defines the development directions of the university for the reference three-year period.
It is an ambitious plan that includes significant investments, with particular attention dedicated to students for teaching and services.
Specifically, in the plan, Unical outlines its three-year development strategy in five macro-areas.
The area of education and the area of research are the two pillars of the university system.
Regarding education, the university aims to requalify and improve the attractiveness of its study programs; innovate the quality of teaching; support students in completing their degrees on time and assist them in accessing the job market.
For research, the plan includes the enhancement of laboratories, the reorganization of doctoral programs, and a series of measures to improve the quality of the studies produced, encouraging participation in competitive funding calls and collaborations between departments and at the international level.
In addition to education and research, there is naturally the area of the third mission and social engagement, an area in which to systematically and organically develop initiatives aimed at strengthening ties with the territory and enhancing its social and cultural value.
At the same time, the University of Calabria identifies two additional directions linked to the Campus model that characterizes it: the international area and the area of student services. The former includes strategic goals and actions aimed at improving the university's position in the international landscape. The latter frames initiatives aimed at supporting students in their studies, with particular reference to the provision of services and scholarships for the right to study.
For each of the five strategic areas, the plan defines development lines, starting from a description of the current state with an accurate analysis of strengths and areas for improvement over the next three years, and organizing them into strategic goals and actions with appropriate result indicators.
However, the strategic objectives of Unical are not limited solely to the aforementioned five areas. To effectively pursue its development policies, the university considers it essential to also pay attention to certain elements that act as enabling factors across the various areas. Unical has therefore categorized these enabling factors into four groups: efficiency and effectiveness of administrative action, structures and infrastructure, sustainability, and communication. For each group, the plan also defines strategic actions, result indicators, responsibilities, and resources.
"On the one hand, achieving these objectives will require a collective effort from the academic community and effective coordination and guidance from the governance and responsible parties. On the other hand," comments Rector Nicola Leone, "it is evident that this is a bold plan, involving appreciable investments and betting on the university's ability to be competitive and to accomplish important projects in a short time."
To ensure the effective implementation and maximum efficiency of the actions outlined in the strategic plan, the university has finally equipped itself with a monitoring and review system that provides for periodic reporting on the progress made to identify any discrepancies between expected and actual results and to suggest, if necessary, appropriate corrective actions.