Pubblicata Sabato 01 Giugno 2024 12:59
Master's degrees in Sustainable Chemistry and in Global Change: Ecosystem Science and Policy at the University of Giessen

The flyers for the Master's degree programme in Sustainable Chemistry and the Master's degree programme in Global Change: Ecosystem Science and Policy can be found in the appendix.
The websites for these two degree programmes are as follows: and
An English-language press release on the new English-language Master's degree programme in Sustainable Chemistry can be found here:
A hybrid information event on our new Master's programme in Sustainable Chemistry will also take place on 22 June 2024, live in the large chemistry lecture hall and in parallel via stream via this link: . We would like to publicise this event as widely as possible in advance. Therefore, please also advertise this information event.
Here are the details again:
Title: Sustainable Chemistry at the Justus Liebig University - Presentation of the new International Masters Programme
Time: 22.06.2024 14-16 h (German time zone), large chemistry lecture hall C 112, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 19, 35392 Giessen
- Welcome and presentation of the new Masters programme Sustainable Chemistry (Prof. Hermann A. Wegner)
- Talk "New ceramic materials for more sustainable energy conversion" (Prof. Maren Lepple)
- Talk "Sustainable Chemistry for our Future Energy Supply" (Prof. Jürgen Janek)
- Talk "The Concrete Problem: How Can Sustainable Chemistry Help to Solve a Global Mega Challenge" (Prof. Bernd Smarsly)
The Master’s degree programs might be not only interesting for students but also an opportunity for future collaboration in the context of WP2 with the respective university departments at your site.