Bachelor and Single-cycle Master’s Degrees
Master’s Degrees
International Degrees
Scuole di Specializzazione
PhD Courses
Postgraduate Courses
Teacher Training Courses
State examinations
Medico-Sanitaria [[ area.AreaCds ]] Course Area
- L – Bachelor's degree
- LM – Master's degree (2 years)
- LM5 – Single-cycle master's degree (5 years)
- LM6 – Single-cycle master's degree (6 years)
Course delivered in English
Course with curriculum delivered in English
No items here
- Enrolments, educational paths and graduations
- Admission procedures
- Enrolment procedures
- Course attendance
- Mobilità Nazionale (Erasmus Italiano)
- Mobilità internazionale
- Transfer and Course Changing procedures
- Interruption and return to study
- Tuition fees and exemptions
- Certificates and degree certificates
- Student/Athlete Dual Career
- Alias career
- PA 110 e lode
- Benefits to access higher education
- Study grants
- Other benefits
- Housing services
- Canteen services
- Services for disabled and dyslexic students
- Guidance