University of CalabriaHRS4RUniversity of CalabriaHRS4R
University of CalabriaHRS4R
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Published: 07/01/2025, 10:11
Bando di selezione pubblica aggiuntivo per l’ammissione al corso di dottorato di ricerca in Geology, Engineering and Sc…

DR n. 1417 del 30 dicembre 2024, scadenza 31 gennaio 2025 ore 12.00

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Published: 18/12/2024, 20:55
Bando aggiuntivo di selezione pubblica per l’ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di ricerca - XL ciclo - A. A. 2024/2025

DR n. 1354 del 18 dicembre 2024, scadenza 20 gennaio 2025 ore 12.00

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Published: 19/06/2024, 11:50
Bando aggiuntivo di selezione pubblica ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di ricerca - XL ciclo A.A. 2024/2025, assegnazi…

DR n. 624 del 19 giugno 2024, scadenza 19 luglio 2024 ore 12.00

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Published: 28/09/2023, 09:27
Contatti ed orari di apertura al pubblico Settore Dottorati di Ricerca

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Published: 18/06/2024, 12:57
Bando di selezione pubblica per l’ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di ricerca - XL ciclo - A. A. 2024/2025

DR n. 620 del 18 giugno 2024, scadenza 18 luglio 2024 ore 12.00

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Published: 06/06/2024, 12:18
Bando di selezione pubblica aggiuntivo per l'ammissione ai corsi di dottorato di ricerca - XXXIX ciclo - A.A. 2023/2024…

DR n. 540 del 6 giugno 2024, scadenza 8 luglio 2024 ore 12.00

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Published: 06/06/2024, 11:38
Bando per dottorati comunali XXXIX ciclo

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Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The highest level of education in the Italian university system aiming at scientific research.

PhD Courses aims at helping graduates acquire functional knowledge for both advanced research activities in universities, public or private entities and for top-quality professional careers. Before accessing, students should have completed their degree courses either based on the old system or have obtained their bachelor/master’s graduation or a similar qualification taken abroad.

Within the framework of research internationalization, the University promotes the participation of international students in research programs and supports a series of initiatives aimed at collaboration among universities or joint-research doctoral programs based on agreements signed with foreign universities for the issuing of double, multiple or joint certificates; it also promotes interactions with the production system in order to expand the PhD educational offer and foster industrial doctoral programs.

Activities connected to PhD Programs are managed by the Settore Dottorati di Ricerca ( that offers support and advice to students, PhD students, Coordinators of Degree Programs and Boards of Professors, as well as to University’s management bodies.

PhD educational offer

box - Area ricerca - medico-sanitaria

Medical and Health-care Area

box - Area ricerca - umanistica

Humanistic Area

PhD students Access and career management

In conformità ai criteri generali determinati con Decreto Ministeriale 14 dicembre 2021, n. 226 "Regolamento recante modalità di accreditamento delle sedi e dei corsi di dottorato e criteri per la istituzione dei corsi di dottorato da parte degli enti accreditati", le università, con proprio Regolamento, disciplinano l'istituzione dei corsi, le modalità di accesso e di conseguimento del titolo, gli obiettivi formativi, la durata, i contributi per l'accesso e la frequenza, le modalità di conferimento delle borse di studio.

Regolamento di Ateneo in materia di dottorati di ricerca, emanato con decreto rettorale 13 maggio 2022, n. 704 (

Regulations on PhD Programmes(


Students can access PhD programs after passing the entry test of a yearly PUBLIC SELECTION PROCEDURE based on tests and qualifications. The selection procedure takes place within September 30th every year, and it is organized once the national procedures for course accreditation have been completed. The PhD programs last no less than 3 years and after the public discussion of their dissertation, students are awarded the title of PhD.

Candidates can take part in the selection by accessing the online application procedure at within the deadline indicated in the call that is published every year on the website of the Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca, on the European website Euraxess and on the portal of the University of Calabria (see links for calls).

Admission examination.The entry test consists in an assessment of applicants’ qualifications and a written or oral test.

Selection board.The selection board to access PhD programs is appointed by the Rector upon proposal of the Boards of Professors.

First year

The notice with the final ranking will be the only official means of information for candidates. No personal communication whatsoever will be sent to successful PhD candidates.

Selected candidates shall complete their enrolment by means of an online procedure available at within the deadline indicated in the Rectoral Decree of approval of the selection documents.

The following documents for the assignment of the scholarships for doctoral programs shall be sent to

  1. Acceptance form of the doctoral scholarship;
  2. A self-declaration concerning the legal and economic conditions of applications for the purpose of the assignment of the three-year scholarship for the PhD program;
  3. Registration with the INPS (National Institute of Social Insurance) – gestione separata (special fund for self-employed workers) – See paragraph about Scholarships.

Selected candidates who fail to complete the enrolment procedure within the set deadline will be automatically excluded from the PhD program

Eligible students who can be admitted based on the posts that have been made available, will be informed by email correspondence served to the address indicated in their application.

Years subsequent to the first

Upon admission to the subsequent year by decision of the Board of Professors, all PhD students are expected to complete their enrolment on the website

PhD students who have been awarded the scholarship should submit their self-declaration concerning the legal and economic conditions for the current year.

Amounts and Payments

In compliance with the provisions set out in the Ministerial Decree dated 25th January 2018 No. 40, the amount of the scholarships for PhD programs is EUR 15,345.28 net of social costs that shall be borne by the University.

The scholarship is compatible with other incomes received in the same calendar year, provided that the gross personal income is no higher than € 15,000.00.

The scholarship will not be subject to IRPEF taxes (Law 476/84 art.4; L. 398/89 art.6, par. 6).

The scholarship will have immediate effect from the start of teaching activities (1st November) and will be provided in deferred monthly instalments.

N.B. the grant of the scholarship for the first year depends on the starting date of teaching activities and the completion of administrative procedures to start the scholarship.


Registration with the INPS

From 1st January 1999 the scholarship is subject to pension contribution that will be directly paid by the University to INPS.

Such pension contribution amounts to 34.23% overall. The percentage of contribution of PhD students amounts to 11.41% of each instalment; students who pay their contribution to other Retirement Pension Funds (for example compulsory funds for students belonging to professional associations) will be subject to a reduced INPS contribution.

 PhD students will have to enter into an INPS position by signing the form "Gestione separata lavoratori parasubordinati".


Greater amounts for PhD students spending research periods abroad

The amount of the scholarship will be increased by 50% for students spending research periods abroad.

The application form for an increase in the amount of the scholarship is available at:

This form needs to be sent to  along with the decision of the Board of Professors and the invitation of the hosting institution.

Collaboration and international mobility