Admission procedures
Enrolment procedures
Course attendance
Mobilità Nazionale (Erasmus Italiano)
Mobilità internazionale
Transfer and Course Changing procedures
Interruption and return to study
Tuition fees and exemptions
Certificates and degree certificates
Student/Athlete Dual Career
Alias career
PA 110 e lode
Admission procedures
Information on how to enroll in the first year of a Degree Course.
Calls of admission for the academic year 24/25

Master's degrees
Standard admission from August 29, 2024, to September 13, 2024Scrolls a.y. 22/23

Medicine and Surgery DT (Digital Technologies)
Archivio bandi di ammissione
Clicca qui per l'archivio dei bandi di ammissione non più attivi
- Educational offer
- Bachelor and Single-cycle Master’s Degrees
- Master’s Degrees
- International Degrees
- Scuole di Specializzazione
- PhD Courses
- Postgraduate Courses
- Teacher Training Courses
- State examinations
- Benefits to access higher education
- Study grants
- Other benefits
- Housing services
- Canteen services
- Services for disabled and dyslexic students
- Guidance