Step by step - Scholarship, accommodation and canteen services
Guide for newly enrolled students of the University of Calabria – A.A. 2024/2025
This leaflet does not replace the information available on the official Call for applications and regulations a.y. 2024/2025
Through the Residential Centre the University of Calabria assigns to enrolled Italian and international students a scholarship awarded through a call for application, which includes:
amount of money
accommodation service (for off-site students)
canteen service
exemption from paying university taxes and contributions.
Participating in the competition is simple and will be even easier if you read the call carefully.
To help you and clarify your ideas on the steps to follow consult the instructions below.

Information and assistance
Help desk: dirittoallostudio@unical.it - alloggi@unical.it
Front-office: Residential Center Building – Student Services – first floor – Area Diritto allo studio: Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 12:00
Residential Center
Residential Center Building - Unical
Martedì: dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 16:00 - Mercoledì: dalle ore 10:00 alle ore 12:00 (studenti internazionali) - Giovedì: dalle ore 15:00 alle ore 16:00